Thursday –

10:00am – 6:00pm
Eastern Standard Time


Bruce D Schneider
iPEC Founder
Bruce D Schneider is iPEC’s founder and the author of Relax, You’re Already Perfect and the blockbuster book, Energy Leadership. His groundbreaking theory of consciousness levels led him to create the transformational Core Energy Coaching™ process, as well as iPEC’s proprietary Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment.
Bruce was awarded undergraduate and graduate degrees from William Paterson College and Rutgers University, respectively. A successful entrepreneur, business executive, and former semi-professional athlete, he is a Master Certified Coach, licensed psychotherapist, Reiki master, hypnotherapist, metaphysician, philosopher, renowned speaker, and Founder and Chairman of the Board for the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).

Luke Iorio
Leadership Expert
Luke began his career consulting entrepreneurs in transition. He quickly learned of their headaches and challenges, and as a result, facilitated strategies that created momentous value for their businesses.
Luke is most interested in answering the question, “What is it that enables an individual to be at their absolute best?” It’s this question that has guided his own personal development, research, coaching practice, and more for nearly 20 years, and transformed him from wallflower to dynamic speaker and President of the preeminent training and development organization in the fields of human potential, coaching, and leadership.
But at the end of the day, it’s his passion for learning everything that he can to pass on to his two beautiful children that drives him most.

Jennifer Andersen
Leadership and Direct Sales Expert
Jennifer’s career path has been centered around connection, impact, and developing confidence and excellence in others. She built her career educating and supporting others through change and navigating personal and professional growth opportunities. Her many years in education as a high school English teacher and over 11 years building and leading a nationally recognized multi-million dollar direct sales team prepared her for her own transition into coaching and training others in how to navigate life and career changes as well as develop their leadership, communication, and sales skills.
In addition to her contributions in the Masters Division at iPEC, Jennifer owns Empower Coaching and Consulting and is a frequently requested speaker and trainer and provides corporate training via The Corporate Center of the College of Southern Maryland.
Jennifer is most inspired by her family- her husband, Adam, and her four children who teach her every day about love, patience, abundance, and gratitude.

Ivy Slater
Leadership Expert
Ivy Slater is CEO of Slater Success Coaching, where she works with smart and ambitious female entrepreneurs to design profitable service based businesses.
For the past 10 years, Ivy has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, helping them step into their value as leaders in business and create their desired lifestyle.
Ivy is a wife of 30 years and mother of two adult children. When working with her clients, she encourages family first, and then business. Ivy built and grew her businesses while raising her two children, being class parent, Vice President of the PTA, and organized various school functions.
Ivy’s experience includes owning a 7-figure printing business, in New York City. Slater Graphics made a positive impact in the industry by creating a niche market for women buyers.

Jeff St. Laurent
Selling Expert
Since graduating iPEC in 2004, Jeffrey has shifted his focus to open his own seminar and coaching company, SellingCoaching.com. He is now a highly sought after presenter and business coach, has authored the book “Being Fulfilled,” and developed five other training programs for entrepreneurs.
Jeff’s WHY is simple: “To be a part of people’s success.” Knowing he can be or help create the catalyst to change someone’s life for the better is what drives him.

JJ Carolan
JJ Carolan loves helping people live a life less ordinary. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who provides life, leadership, and business coaching for people committed to serving a purpose greater than themselves. She holds space for people to take inspired action, to conquer their inner critics, and to build resilience so they can take bold risks necessary to achieve their dreams.
As both a certified life coach and a behavior analyst, JJ is known for her blend of deep inner work paired with powerful outer action. JJ is the founder of The Coach’s Playground and The One Hundred Years Project. Her clients rally around her motto, “Serve like hell!” as a reminder that the key to success is service.
She is mother to two daughters who inspire her daily to push the envelope.

Rick Clemons
Personal Development Expert
Rick Clemons is the Author of Frankly My Dear I’m Gay, Host of The Coming Out Lounge podcast, certified life coach, TEDx Speaker, world record holder, and a guy who’s helped 1000’s of people in over 50 countries across the globe come out of the closets of their lives. His motto is “It’s Simple. Be Bold!”
Rick’s work as a coach was ignited by his own challenging, yet necessary, journey to make big bold moves, stepping out of the closet – personally and professionally – later in life. He’s since become a passionate personal development entrepreneur, explorer, guide, and mentor who wakes up every morning excited to make big, bold moves with individuals and organizations ready to also make bold moves.
His philosophy is simple. ESCAPE your b.s., EXPLORE your fears, ELEVATE your f*cking self-expression.
It’s Simple. Be Bold.
Live. Life. Uncloseted.

Stacy Hartmann
Client Attraction Expert
Stacy Hartmann is a business coach, purpose driven entrepreneur, and marketing and sales expert. She motivates and inspires entrepreneurs to achieve their vision of success while making a difference in the world.
Stacy combines strategic advice with powerful intuition to help coaches discover their unlimited potential and create the ultimate freedom lifestyle. She knows how to help people transform their business, life, and bank account fast.
She knows first-hand what it means to take big risks to create the life and business of her dreams. Within a few short years in business, Stacy has been able to build a successful multiple 6-figure businesses working three days a week, allowing her time to play and laugh with her family. When she stopped settling, invested in her dream, and never looked back.

David Kaplowitz
Leadership Expert
Motivating. Focused. Influential. These are just a few words to describe Dr. David Kaplowitz, and they easily explain his success. Dr. David Kaplowitz is the President and Head Coach of Rock Spring Coaching, a firm that works with companies and executives for leadership development and maximizing performance.
David formerly built and ran a successful Chiropractic practice from the late 70’s through the early 2000’s, which through innovative advertising and marketing strategies, promoted his practice to an astonishing pace of 100+ patients a day! David later switched gears and built another company which replaced his Chiropractic income within 18 months. Throughout these transitions and in the following years, David realized his love of helping others and combined his healthcare, business, and life experiences to establish a coaching practice that works with individuals and businesses to develop the skills, habits, and behaviors that lead to increased influence and maximized performance.
In addition to coaching, and speaking nationally and internationally, David has a passion for health and wellness and enjoys time with family, friends and clients . . . especially on the golf course!

Paul Gilbride
Recovering CPA
Paul is a recovering CPA who has attempted work/life balance from every angle: being part of a two career family, being a stay-at-home dad, building his own practice while his wife worked, and now, newly divorced, co-parenting and changing the world in whatever way he can.
Paul’s company, Trickle Down Happiness, LLC, believes that building the relationship with ourselves and becoming the best version of us “trickles” down to our family, our friends, our co-workers, and the world at-large. Paul helps professional parents struggling with work/life balance find the life they are looking for without killing themselves in the process.
Paul has helped hundreds of individuals in companies like KPMG, Deloitte, and Bloomberg Corporation find work/life integration through living a life on purpose and consistent with what is most important for them. He serves as an Integrated Life Advocate for Third Path Institute in Philadelphia. He also serves on the Board of Directors of St Louis based Gateway to Dreams.
In addition to serving all people in all things work/life balance-related, Paul has also focused on Dads, facilitating mastermind groups exclusive for dads, and working with countless men to up their game at home and at work.

Saber Fatnassi
Peak Performance Expert
Saber was taught at a young age that “The man who is not eager to climb mountains will spend his life between fox holes.” Athletic competitions and life challenges taught him creativity in finding opportunities in every failure.
Mastering the secret to pinnacle performance has been Saber’s lifelong passion, thus he spent over 20 years learning and practicing its techniques, which include his certification with iPEC and his studies with Jack Canfield and certification as a Success Principles trainer. Saber’s background is in engineering and he held positions in leadership as well as managed high visibility programs in the private and public sectors. He combines his experience and passion for performance mastery to empower individuals and businesses which he does through his books, workshops and seminars, podcasts, and coaching. Saber is the founder of Saberwaves Coaching International and an advocate of pinnacle performance in all aspects of life.

Morgan Field
Self Love, Confidence, and Thriving Expert
Morgan is Amazon’s #1 best-selling author of Epic Sexy You: No Limits. No Rules, winner of the 2015 IPEC Coaches Cup, intuitive life coach, growth junkie, more whore, rebel, pioneer, adventure-obsessed goddess, and addicted to creating things that awaken and expand souls. She is an expert on self love, confidence, living life on your own terms, and squeezing every single morsel of yummy goodness out of life.
She is the Founder of the International Female Empowerment Brand – Epic Sexy You, which is starting an Epic Sexy Revolution, setting the world on fire and igniting souls. She combines life coaching with the power of channeling Spirit Guides to deliver the most unbelievably mind-blowing transformative experiences for women around the world.
She satiates her hunger for wanderlust, travel, and adventure through hosting life-transforming retreats all over the world. When she isn’t coaching clients or engaging with her online community, you will find her jumping out of planes, snuggling koalas or kangaroos, riding in a hot air balloon, indulging in the castles in Ireland, taking in the Paris lights at night, going for a spin in a gondola in Venice, or lounging in Jamaica with fellow soulpreneurs taking their business to the next level!

Emily Fowler
Innovation and Leadership Expert
Emily has always been obsessed with what makes people tick. With a desire to understand people from a young age, she often acted as mediator between quarreling friends or siblings. As her career unfolded, she found work where she could leverage that ability to understand people’s motivations. She was often at the forefront of innovative skunkworks projects that required a deep understanding of the unknown – something Emily was very comfortable in exploring.
After spending a few years at Sid Lee, she began work at the XPRIZE Foundation. She learned of a model that has the potential to blow up our expectations about how challenges can be solved: the incentive challenge model. Emily co-founded and lead the creation and launch of HeroX (HeroX.com) – the open innovation platform to empower problem solvers, misfit thinkers, and crazy dreamers to launch XPRIZE-style incentive competitions across the globe. With the company successfully launched and growing to over 1M fans, with over $25M in launched challenges (including for NASA), she stepped away in late 2015 in order to start a brand new journey.
In this new adventure, she focuses on executive and leadership coaching for entrepreneurs, innovators, and changemakers who are transforming the world. Her expertise is leadership, creativity, audacious innovation, and social impact.

Jose Guzman
Personal Development Expert
Jose is a decades-old career Geoscientist who is still employed full-time in oil and gas exploration. After a bicycling accident that probably knocked some sense into his head, he fully embraced coaching as a means of fulfilling his lifelong passion of connecting with others in a deeper way, and decided that it was time to have a solid ‘Plan B’ in place, just in case his career ended abruptly, and unceremoniously, like for many of his colleagues.
His challenge? To turn coaching into a full-time business that will replace or surpass his current income, and to be independent of any source of retirement income that is not fully under his control. And this defines his coaching niche statement- to help baby boomers like himself who are seeking to make the transition out of the full-time workforce into a rewarding and exciting new phase of life.

Paul Monahan
Performance Expert
Paul Monahan is certified leadership and performance coach working in the arena of human potential. Paul’s clients are leaders, athletes and musicians who are serious about fulfilling their potential in critical moments. His experiences over a 25-year corporate career help him to create powerful connections with the leaders and executives he coaches.
Additionally, as a COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist, Paul has made significant impact with his clients in the athletic and music performance niches. He has worked with elite-level music performers in Nashville, TN and recently landed an opportunity to partner with one of the largest golf instruction companies in the United States.
Born and raised a hockey player in Buffalo, NY, Paul lives in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, Paula where they raised their three young-adult sons. Paul holds a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) designation from the International Coach Federation.

Raechel Anderson
Authenticity Expert
Raechel’s life path has made her purpose unmistakable: Empowering others to live authentically and boldly. Anyone who knows Raechel knows Authentic & Bold is WHO she is and how she lives, coaches, trains, and writes.
Raechel is the founder of The Sparkling Bride, working with brides as they prepare for the wedding of their dreams. Several years after building the bridal coaching business, coaches and other entrepreneurs began to seek out Raechel because of her unique set of coaching skills and finely tuned snark and humor, which she uses to help her clients authentically and boldly share themselves with the world.
Raechel continues to work with both types of clients, as she has been called to take on another role as the Masters Division Director at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). Crediting her relationships with iPEC’s Founder and Leadership Team for so much of her personal and professional growth, Raechel enthusiastically took on the role at iPEC, helping the team play bigger, every day.
Raechel finds the love, joy, and grounding that help her thrive, in her amazing husband and best friend, Peter, and her loyal, joyful labs, Sirius & Gracie.

Jay Fiset
Founder of Mastermind to Millions
Mastermind Expert
Best selling author, student of human nature, avid outdoorsman at 5 star hotels, speaks fluent smart ass, can see and reflect your life mission in 5 minutes flat, loves having 2 sons so he can play with their toys, still fantasizes about his wife after 25 years, loves ideas, but loves results even more, can simultaneously laugh and cry for different reasons at the same time, has never been star struck (but did not get a chance to meet Martin Luther King, and there would have been teenage girl screaming if I had).
I am dedicated to instigating a global movement of Conscious Creators and supporting people to organize their life and resources around their passions and gifts.

Thursday –
March 2, 2017

10:00am – 6:00pm
Eastern Standard Time