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At 0:54 – Luke lets you know who’s been instrumental to creating these upcoming programs.
At 2:09 – Luke reveals 4 insights that came out of the extensive community surveying and focus groups that were done with nearly 800 of you participating! Thank you!
At 3:27 – Luke adds a random “s” to a word, demonstrating linguistic mastery while the grammar team at iPEC collectively cringes.
At 5:37 – Luke talks about what it means to be a master.
At 7:05 – Luke describes what the Masters Division is really all about.
At 8:58 – Luke starts telling you about the upcoming Immersion Programs, Mastermind Business Alliances, and Enrichment Courses.
At 13:07 – Luke goes into who this is really for and talks about the success bell curve and stacking the deck in your favor.
At 16:06 – Luke tells us what to tune into to make sure you get all the latest, up-to-date information as it is released.
And at 18:26 – There’s nothing to see because the video is over.