Success Stories: Wellness

Lisa Kaplin
COR.E Wellbeing
Dynamics Specialist
This program helped me take my business to the next level because it gave me the confidence to know how to talk about well-being without it sounding like I was giving medical advice.

Lynn Finley
COR.E Wellbeing
Dynamics Specialist
It was a graduate program that goes deeper, provides more awareness, more tools, more principles that you can apply. This program can benefit anyone.

Kathy Waller
COR.E Wellbeing
Dynamics Specialist
This program differentiates me from other coaches because I don’t know of anyone else that has anything like the campus, where you can work with clients remotely.

Telecia Ellis
COR.E Wellbeing
Dynamics Specialist
I thought this program could be something people can use to improve performance. However, it is much broader than just athletics. It can be applied to many areas of one’s life.
Success Stories: Performance

COR.E Performance
Dynamics Specialist
“The Program has been a game changer in the way that I work with my clients. Now I can help clients not just make better choices in the moment, but also take them to the next level of peak performance. It’s no longer just playing the game, but learning how to be the game.”

Christopher Moody
COR.E Performance
Dynamics Specialist
“Before I took the program, I let the client dictate the direction we took in our sessions, but athletes are so regimented and scheduled that being able to lay out my sessions and have a game plan going into a program with a client has impacted my practice in a big way.”

Brian Black
COR.E Performance
Dynamics Specialist
“This program has given me the opportunity to work with athletes as clients because now I have the tools, language, and program to really help them. It has boosted my coaching practice financially for sure. “

Paul Monahan
COR.E Performance
Dynamics Specialist
“COR.E Performance Dynamics helped me take my business to the next level in not only how I am able to work with my clients, but also in the new opportunities that are opening up to me. It has differentiated me from other coaches because I have a very powerful set of tools as a coach that has tremendous benefits for my clients. “

Mandy Roczniak
COR.E Performance
Dynamics Specialist
“The program has opened doors to speak and present at several venues where I can help improve the practice of healthcare for patients and staff.”

Dyana King
COR.E Dynamics
Performance Specialist
“I was looking for ways to combine my interest around surfing with my coaching practice. It gave me an alternative language to use with clients and a different way to talk about conscious awareness.”
Coach Success Stories

Lisa Kaplin
Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist
I enrolled in the COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Program because I needed some training around wellbeing and the emotional component that a lot of my clients were coming to me with. It always seemed to be coming up in sessions. This program helped me take my business to the next level because it gave me the confidence to know how to talk about wellbeing without it sounding like I was giving medical advice. It gave me the language
I needed to relate to my clients in a way they could readily understand. The language helps them deal with the common everyday things women struggle with that cause stress and affect their health. We were also taught practical ways to incorporate this program into our business and that really made a difference.
This program made me more conscious on a personal level as well. When my energy dips, it is usually around a wellbeing issue, so I now take care of myself better. I really emphasize this with my clients when they show up stressed or exhausted. Applying what I learned in the program, I am able to quickly address it and get them talking about their wellbeing around the different issues in their life. The results with my clients have been phenomenal and it is showing up in what seems like small things in their lives, but it is making big changes.
Becoming a COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist has helped me stand out among other coaches because I can bring in the wellbeing piece around any niche or issue. There are other divorce coaches and parenting coaches out there, two areas I coach around, but having the specialization in the wellbeing gives me an extra edge. The 10 COR.E Disciplines really make sense to my clients to help them easily recognize what is missing in their life or identify what is going on.
I would recommend this program to other coaches because wellbeing is a very hot topic right now. It is being recognized in different arenas, such as corporate, medical, and on an individual level, and having this specialization makes us unique as coaches.

Mandy Roczniak
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
As a result of this training and the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program, I now feel more confident coaching athletes. Having all of the tools and client materials organized in an online format allows me to custom design programs for my clients in language specific to sports and high performance. All of this, plus powerful concepts such as the 10 COR.E Disciplines, is completely changing how I coach my athletes… and their results.

Walter Aguilar
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
The COR.E Performance Dynamics Program has been a game changer in the way that I work with my clients. Previously, just being able to help clients become more aware and conscious in the moment seemed to be enough. Now, I can help clients not just make better choices in the moment, but also take them to the next level of peak performance. It’s no longer just playing the game, but learning how to be the game.
Being able to help them recognize the internal and external energy influencers is key to maximizing their performances. The implementation of SCOPE, which helps clients assess their in-the-moment energy level towards any given task, game, or event, is cutting edge and insightful. It enables them to either debrief themselves or have a COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist manage and shift their energy influencers in order to maximize their current level of potential on any given day.
Understanding the disciplines needed to be a peak performer provides my clients valuable insights into what traits a peak performer needs to embody. Combine this with an online content delivery website that allows for specific activity assignments, journaling (with coach share option), and real-time communication from anywhere in the world, and you have the newest, most relevant, and progressive way in which peak performance training will now be taught.
Understanding and teaching my clients to manage their energy levels, blocks, and internal and external energy influencers as it pertains to their peak performance separates me from the pack as a performance coach. Even more exciting is that this process of coaching allows my clients to realize potential that they never believed possible. In doing so, I achieve not only their goals but also my own personal goal of being a performance and life coach who makes a significant impact on others while helping them achieve greatness.

LeAnne Parsons
COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist
I made the decision to enroll in the COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics program in 2015 for many reasons. Top of my list, I just love Tambre Leighn! I have followed her since the genesis of my coach training with iPEC and have enjoyed a working relationship with her ever since. Watching Tambre and noticing her passion and steps forward coaching in healthcare and wellbeing inspired and challenged me to be more as a coach. So when she graciously shared with me about the program and invited me to join in on the journey, I enthusiastically said yes! It was a seamless and natural progression forward for myself and my coaching programs.
The COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Program was a great next step to enlarge my territory as a coach; to take my coaching to the next level; to learn, grow, and serve the iPEC community; and offer a great benefit to peers and to my clients. COR.E Wellbeing promised to offer great collaboration, focused learning, and continual growth, an opportunity to serve my peers and grow in my coaching skills. The program did not disappoint!
I use the six influencers and the ten disciplines every day with most every coaching client. I have learned to go even deeper with them. Together as a team, we peel back the layers. I guide my clients through various explorations and strategies to do this for themselves. I weave the influencers into most conversations and introduce the disciplines at a slower pace at this point in my coaching process. I believe that the influencers are key to taking the awarenesses deeper and help to realize sustainable results. This is a language that my clients really understand. It gives the GAILS some framework. When I am doing GAIL work with my clients, I can draw attention to the influencers to assist them to a new level of breakthroughs.
I had been using the Coaching Campus prior to enrolling in the COR.E program. With the knowledge I gained from COR.E Wellbeing, I now have the ability to customize programs and processes with ease to use with my clients, build their confidence in a way that honors my time-management focus. The phases being available and thoughtfully crafted and ready to go when the time is right for each individual with each client is truly helpful. The campus allows me to handle my practice the way I want to. COR.E Wellbeing focuses on the core of who the person is at a whole new level, especially with modality of wellbeing. The guidance we were given with regard to how to create a seven-phase wellbeing program helps offer the material in smaller, bite-size pieces than Law of Being and Energy Leadership Development System do. I appreciate the fact that Wellbeing includes the best in both of those programs and adds in other key factors that bring about sustainable change. This program brings a deeper level of understanding of the material and coaching concepts.
It has also had a huge impact on my personal wellbeing. It added another layer, helped me look at my influencers and disciplines, and helped me see where my inconsistencies are so I can make sure I am more authentic with my clients. It put my feet to the fire, so to speak, to make sure I am walking it out. That was really important to me. As The Walk Your Talk Coach, integrity and truthful living are a very big deal to me.

Christopher Moody
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
I enrolled in the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program because I had always wanted to work with athletes as a performance coach. I had a coach for a year who had such a profound effect on my life. It really inspired me to want to become a coach. I am a huge sports fan and it has troubled me to hear about all these pro athletes getting into trouble. I thought that there would be an opportunity here to help these athletes.
This program took the energy levels system to another level so I can take it to athletes. The COR.E Performance Dynamics program made it a lot clearer to figure out the energy levels and set short-term goals. The disciplines really are helpful for athletes, helping them understand how life looks on and off the field. Everyone resonates differently with the different levels of the program. The influencers are great to use with clients. Athletes can get caught up with who they compete with, and looking at what is influencing their energy helps them see themselves in a different way and find their unique strengths.
It’s given me a much more regimented way to follow a program. Before I took the program, I let the client dictate the direction we took in our sessions, but athletes are so regimented and scheduled that being able to lay out my sessions and have a game plan going into a program with a client has impacted my practice in a big way.

Dyana King
COR.E Dynamics Performance Specialist
I took the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program because I was looking for ways to combine my interest around surfing with my coaching practice. It gave me an alternative language to use with clients and a different way to talk about conscious awareness.
The language around performance is also helpful with corporate clients. They are geared more towards performance and doing, not so much the being. They can see the need to change if they can see there will be results.
This program helped me on a personal level, too. I use those principles when I feel frustrated and I am not flowing, so I can go back to the mastery orientation. Putting it in that context was helpful to me. How you do one thing is how you do everything. I use that line with my surfing clients.

Kathy Waller
COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist
I became a coach after surviving breast cancer and going through a divorce. I wanted to reinvent myself and help other women move forward with their lives after cancer. I signed up for the COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Program for personal development and to come up with a plan for myself. The bonus was that I could see how I can use this with other people. I want to focus not just on health and wellness but also wellbeing. There is such a need for this so people can get their “real normal” back.
I learned from the program that there’s a real opportunity to have a coaching business via theCoaching Campus, where you don’t have to do one-on-one coaching because you can take people through a process online where they can do it on their own and still get input from their coach through the journaling piece. They don’t have to schedule meetings, they can go at their own pace, and they can do it on their own time.
The influencers really affect my clients, especially the emotional, physical, and mental influencers. I think that using SCOPE before treatment, a doctor’s appointment, or check-up would really be useful and would help keep them accountable. They can get a better handle on what they are feeling and they can kind of check in where they are at in the moment.
This program differentiates me from other coaches because I don’t know of anyone else that has anything like the campus, where you can work with clients remotely. It is something I don’t have to create-it’s already there. Even just the journaling aspect is powerful by itself. It gives my clients a space where they can feel safe to journal what they are feeling-that is huge.

Paul Monahan
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
COR.E Performance Dynamics helped me take my business to the next level in not only how I am able to work with my clients, but also in the new opportunities that are opening up to me. It has differentiated me from other coaches because I have a very powerful set of tools as a coach that has tremendous benefits for my clients. A music school I work with is interested in taking their program to a new level and I have the opportunity to help them do this as a direct result of what I learned from the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program.
The results I have seen with my clients as a result of this program have been tremendous. The SCOPE assessment helps them more quickly to see in any given moment how their thinking affects their performance and how to shift their thinking. When they take it often, they learn more quickly and make leaps in their personal and professional development instead of making small incremental changes. A client last night said how much this assessment has so helped him and that he has made tremendous progress.
The top three things that I have taken away from this program to help me take my business to the next level are:
- It offers very neat, clean, and highly detailed online course content to work with clients
- The SCOPE assessment is a fantastic tool for my clients
- It helped me think about my own performance as a coach and step into the many things I have to do as a coach with much more confidence and a higher degree of performance.

Brian Black
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
This program has given me the opportunity to work with athletes as clients because now I have the tools, language, and program to really help them. It has boosted my coaching practice financially for sure. I was referred a client-one of the top wrestlers in the country who decided to just stop and no one knows why. His parents spent tons of money on his sport, so they don’t want him to quit. This athlete would not talk to anyone about what’s going on, but he is willing to talk to me.
The 10 COR.E Disciplines have given me a script-something I can memorize and tell to clients. There is something that always resonates with them and gives them a direction and a focus. Knowing that, and being able to condense everything down, has helped.
I’ve used SCOPE a lot with athletes and executives. They get it. It makes sense to them. It really resonates with them. It can be used in different arenas, not just athletics. Executives can use the concepts within their company when there are changes. I started using it with my 13-year-old who is into basketball. His team has a lot of great athletes and they win a lot. One big issue is finding their role at a very young age. In my son’s case, he wasn’t scoring the points he wanted to score. It made him anxious, decreasing his performance. I gave him the SCOPE before and after the game to begin with. After 3 to 4 months, he was scoring almost twice as many points and became the main shooter position. His confidence increased. That was the first time I really saw it work with an athlete.
After I presented this program to a junior college, the athletic director said that they don’t have what I am providing and that they really need this. She has never had this kind of program presented to her after years of being an athletic director. She told me that they are definitely interested in creating a partnership with me. This huge opportunity is a direct result of the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program.

Lynn Finley
COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist
I enrolled in the COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Program, first and foremost, because of Tambre. She is quite a role model and has been extremely helpful to me. I am a cancer survivor and when I enrolled in coach training, my mission was to do cancer survivorship coaching. It made sense that this would be my next step.
I am using the principles in my cancer survivors group that I lead as a volunteer at our cancer center. People really like the wheel of life and wellbeing. That’s the stepping stone to delving into other aspects of their wellbeing. The awareness piece of it helps them take off the blinders and get unstuck from just surviving and helps them remove the fear. It really helps people understand there are other ways to think about it and learning the energy levels helps give them “aha” moments. I want to couple it with a program where there can be creative expression and having fun while people practice awareness and focus. I feel that teaching these principles in a fun, creative way will help them take a step back and get the big picture of what’s going on in their life.
I feel like that awareness thing is happening with my clients. They are thinking about things they have never thought of before. I can see that on their faces and they thank me after and tell me it is really helpful. Just raising their awareness engages them in a way to realize there is another way to get out of their head and stop the worry. It helps them see that they have a choice. There is a lot of victim energy with cancer survivors, so this helps them shift out of that energy. I use this line often: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Another thing that helps them is forgiveness of self and to not be so hard on ourselves because we are not completely transformed right now. It was a graduate program that goes deeper, provides more awareness, more tools, more principles that you can apply. This program can benefit anyone.

Patrick Donohue
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
I decided to enroll in the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program because being from an athletic background, I thought this program could be something people can use to improve performance. However, it is much broader than just athletics. It can be applied to many areas of one’s life. I like the idea of looking at performance, slowing it down, and seeing what might be hindering it. I found this to be especially good with sole performance athletes, such as golfers, tennis players, baseball players, and basketball players working on a specific skill.
The 10 COR.E Disciplines and the 6 Influencers have brought clarity to my clients in a simple way that they can understand. The SCOPE assessment is very powerful and it enables my clients to shift in the moment and to assimilate the energy leadership concepts into their daily life. It has been very helpful with those clients who want to get a deeper dive after taking the ELI assessment. The 6 Influencers have resonated the most with my clients. I use the 10 Disciplines, but I changed the language slightly from athletics to a language around leadership.

Telecia Ellis
COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist
I decided to enroll in the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program because being from an athletic background, I thought this program could be something people can use to improve performance. However, it is much broader than just athletics. It can be applied to many areas of one’s life. I like the idea of looking at performance, slowing it down, and seeing what might be hindering it. I found this to be especially good with sole performance athletes, such as golfers, tennis players, baseball players, and basketball players working on a specific skill.
The 10 COR.E Disciplines and the 6 Influencers have brought clarity to my clients in a simple way that they can understand. The SCOPE assessment is very powerful and it enables my clients to shift in the moment and to assimilate the energy leadership concepts into their daily life. It has been very helpful with those clients who want to get a deeper dive after taking the ELI assessment. The 6 Influencers have resonated the most with my clients. I use the 10 Disciplines, but I changed the language slightly from athletics to a language around leadership.

Cathy Penrod
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
I was inspired to take the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program because no one else out there has it. My clients really love it. I think the SCOPE assessment is absolutely awesome. One client who was totally fear based prior to using the program is now not at all. Fear is the last thing on her mind. Another client has increased performance to the point of winning a couple classes.
This program has helped me tremendously on a personal level as an equestrian. I recently went to a horse show, incorporated COR.E Dynamics, and had the most amazing show ever! The mental and internal strength superseded anything in my 35 years of riding. I experienced the higher levels of energy, accessing my intuition and experiencing a synergy with the horse that was incredible. That experience will make me a better coach.
I have learned a lot that has helped take my business to next level. The influencers and disciplines were the biggest pieces for me. The modules add an extra value that is huge. They give us the process and flow as well as adding validation to the clients that there is substance behind all that you talk about in your coaching sessions. It gives comfort to my clients knowing that there is substance behind all of this and it is not just me talking.
The 10 COR.E Disciplines help give my clients acceptance, confidence, and trust in their ability and their experience as they go into the ring. It allows them to trust themselves in the ring that they will know what to do in the moment, no matter what the horse does. It helps them be fearless and confident. It is a different thought process for them. They realize that they have choices and they can go to the show and have fun. They can do this because they want to versus because they have to.

Ralph Simone
COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist
I took the COR.E Performance Dynamics Program so I would get energized. I like to do something for my own development every few years, to bring new energy and new perspective into what we already do.
My focus has been on scale-looking for ways to scale things up in my business. This program will help me scale up my practice through my partnership with a personal trainer. We are adding it to our package with new golf clients and general athletes. He is the top trainer in the area and works with pro athletes. For every new enrollment, we are setting people up with SCOPE.
I have gotten great results with my clients who use SCOPE. One client qualified for an event that she never had seen as a goal. After using SCOPE, my son had five personal records (personal best) in a single event after two seasons of injury. After starting to work with me, other clients saw increased personal best for different distances for several weeks.
The 10 COR.E Disciplines have had quite an impact on my clients. I run features when we kick off a new coaching engagement. I will overview the influencers and disciplines and feature a discipline every couple of weeks. I ask a few empowering questions about a discipline, and then have them journal about how it influenced their effectiveness.
On a personal level, I’ve used the SCOPE when presenting a new topic to a new audience. It helps me be aware of some of the energetic leakage in some of the influencers when the combination of a new topic and a new audience comes into play. I had a new presentation last October that was “just okay”. I’m not used to “just okay”. I took the SCOPE and saw how the social and environmental influencers had affected me. The facility was less than ideal, and I had allowed it to be a distraction, as well as the new audience. I took it again before another presentation with a new audience. I knocked it out of the park because I was aware of shifting my energy, and I knew what was influencing me. I influenced the environment in the second venue instead of allowing it to influence me. I took action to modify it to be closer to my ideal.